Inspiring the athlete in all of us.

VNDK8 and Reset The Preset are centered around changing preset notions and stigmas.

Changing the belief that as we get older we let ourselves go and it’s all downhill.

Removing the “I don’t have time” for fitness or health.

Removing the stigma that our glory days are a behind us. Our glory days are every single day that we INVEST in ourselves and keep moving.

We aren’t self-centered and simply admiring ourselves in the mirror (Although our butts do look quite good). We are working to better versions of ourselves. To live longer, active lives.

To continue physically interacting with our kids and our grandkids.

So at any given moment, regardless of our age or gender, we can perform the physical task at hand.

To not have to worry about finding the closest parking space, or needing a motorized cart when we go to the grocery store.

We don’t get older, we get better, and our “glory days” are still ahead of us.


vin·​di·​cate | \ ˈvin-də-ˌkāt  \

  1. a: to free from allegation or blame


    (2): to provide justification or defense for JUSTIFY

    c: to protect from attack or encroachment DEFEND


  3. to maintain a right to

  4. obsolete to set free DELIVER